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Peekaboo moments & shop

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Peekaboo Moments is the ultimate baby scrapbook for parents. It seamlessly uploads photos, videos, and diary entries from various devices and family members to create a beautiful, printable baby scrapbook filled with memories. Each baby receives an automatically generated web domain ( for easy viewing. Peekaboo Shop is an in-app personalized baby shop. In Peekaboo Shop, family members can browse for baby products which precisely meet the baby’s current and upcoming needs, based on data tracked and stored in Peekaboo Moments. For example, we can recommend the perfect baby walker one month before a baby starts walking; we can also recommend clothing in the baby’s favorite colors based on pictures already uploaded to the scrapbook. All family members from Peekaboo Moments can access the shop, making it easier than ever for Grandpa & Grandma to choose gifts/toys for their beloved little one. Peekaboo Moments launched last Dec. 2012, and Peekaboo shop is coming soon.
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